The news with its litany of loss, anxiety and uncertainty is leavened by images of the more-than-human world coming closer to us, encouraged by the lack of traffic, fewer people on the streets and perhaps even the reported reduction in seismic activity.
Google ‘goats in Llandudno’, ‘deer in East London’, ‘wild boar in Bergamo’ and ‘turtles coming ashore in Odisha, India’ for just some examples. In a park in Monmouthshire, sheep have got the hang of a children’s roundabout and are returning day after day. And in Preston too, lambs have been filmed spinning round and round …

I’m in the process of launching a collection of poems that go back a decade. I’ve called it A Speech of Birds, taking the line from Charles Causley’s remarkable poem ‘Healing a Lunatic Boy’ which you can read and listen to here.
This is a poem that has fascinated me for years. I’ve written about it in detail (for New Walk Magazine back in 2015) but am now revisiting it, thinking especially about its title, specifically the use of the word ‘healing’.
Now, it is not so much a boy that is in need of healing, as our world. The boy perhaps stands for the child in all of us, and the next generation, and innocence. Lunatic is a word that resonates today when the moon is at its fullest and everything is heightened.
As I take a daily walk around this corner of Canterbury, I’m listening to the trees and what they might have to say about all this.
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Really nice Vicky. Thanks. I’ve read and listened to The Lunatic Boy. I will look and see if I can find your comments on it in 2015.
Like you I am walking every day in the locality, having lost my usual group to the lockdown. Yesterday during my walk across the Buckinghamshire countryside (Flora Thompson country) and recalling pilgrimages I wrote this:
sending messages
through the air to ev’ryone
on the same journey
Many things to relate to in the Charles Causley article you sent: first your comparison with John Clare who is a favourite among my Northants poetry group with poems like I Am; second his primary school teaching background which I share and remember well teaching Timothy Winters, ironically perhaps, to Tilbury children in the 70s; and last the reference to Brian Patten’s words, one of the three great Mersey poets, who I used to listen to in O’Connors Tavern when I was at school.
And that’s before the analysis of Causley’s poem…Thanks
Listening to Charles Causley and feeling gratitude towards you