
I trained as a Certified Poetry Therapist with the International Federation for Biblio-Poetry Therapy  under the supervision of Geri Chavis, qualifying in 2005 and ten years later qualified as a Mentor-Supervisor myself in July 2015.

For further details on the training offered by IFBPT, click here.

After doing this work for the past 15 years, I now have trainees  across the UK and beyond.

The picture below shows some of my trainees who came together to work with my own supervisor, Geri Chavis  in Canterbury, UK in June 2016.

poetrytherapy canterbury 2016

I am very proud of Charmaine Pollard – the first of my trainees to complete her training as a Certified Poetry Therapist and qualified in June 2016.


She is an inspiration to me and others and I’m delighted that she’s spreading the word by offering a variety of courses in London, UK. For further details, email Charmaine directly via her website.